Black Like Me: The Lack of Diversity in Healthcare and Its Effect on the Black Community

By: Aisha Martin


Diversity in healthcare refers to the representation of various races, ethnicities, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds within the healthcare workforce and patient population. Lack of diversity in healthcare has a significant impact on the black community and exacerbates existing health disparities.

Health disparities refer to the unequal distribution of health outcomes and access to healthcare services between different racial and ethnic groups. The black community, in particular, experiences significant disparities in health outcomes, including higher rates of chronic diseases, lower life expectancy, and lower access to quality healthcare services.


One of the key factors contributing to these disparities is the lack of diversity in the healthcare workforce. The underrepresentation of black and other minority groups among healthcare professionals and researchers leads to a lack of understanding and awareness of the specific health needs and cultural backgrounds of these communities. As a result, black patients may not receive the same level of culturally competent care as other patients, leading to misdiagnosis, inappropriate treatment, and reduced quality of life.


For example, studies have shown that black women are more likely to die from breast cancer due to late-stage diagnosis and lack of access to appropriate treatment options. This is partly due to a lack of diversity in the healthcare workforce, which leads to a lack of understanding of the unique cultural and genetic factors that contribute to breast cancer in black women.


In addition to affecting health outcomes, the lack of diversity in healthcare also exacerbates existing socio-economic disparities in the black community. Black individuals are more likely to live in poverty and lack access to adequate healthcare services. This creates a vicious cycle in which lack of access to quality healthcare exacerbates health disparities, leading to further socio-economic disadvantage and reduced access to healthcare.

To address the lack of diversity in healthcare and reduce health disparities in the black community, it is crucial to prioritize diversity and inclusivity in healthcare education and workforce development. This includes increasing the representation of black and minority individuals in healthcare professions, promoting cultural competence and understanding among healthcare providers, and providing equal access to quality healthcare services for all individuals, regardless of race or socio-economic background.


In conclusion, the lack of diversity in healthcare has a significant impact on the black community, exacerbating existing health disparities and perpetuating socio-economic disadvantage. It is essential to prioritize diversity and inclusivity in healthcare education and workforce development to ensure that all individuals have access to quality and culturally competent healthcare.